An Easter Sunrise Service


Clouds lightly layered the sky as our caravan of cars and vans pulled out of the driveway and headed toward a mountain ridge on Easter morning.  It was minutes before seven and chilly.

Arriving at the top of the ridge, people grabbed seat cushions and settled in groups on the grass.

The view was breathtaking!

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As the sun burst through the clouds in glorious shades of red, warming our faces with its brightness, we sang songs of praise and worship.

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It was a special treat to have Michael visit us and talk about lessons he learned at camp.  Michael was a camper in the mountaineer group at Bald Eagle back in 1999.  Truth can be presented by anyone, but there is something profound about hearing it come from someone who has been in your shoes and the boys were spellbound.

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Later Chief Brian talked about when Michael was at camp.  Michael had a hard time at camp for awhile.  It took a long time for him to process the anger and unforgiveness he felt toward someone who had wronged him deeply.  For a long time, it felt like the darkness the world must have felt in those three days of Jesus being in the tomb.  Life was hard.

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But in the same way that there is always hope in the darkness, healing comes after pain.  Life follows after death.  It is the GLORIOUS story of a Cross that leads to redemption. The story of Easter reflected in our own lives and the lives of people around us.  Just as the sun spilled through the clouds to bring daylight after a cold, dark night.  Just as Jesus pierced the intense darkness of the world with the hope of redemption.  Just like that.  Light, glorious healing Christ light can dispel the nighttime in our hearts.

Today, Michael is a testament to the power of love as he loves his wife and sons well.  “Don’t ever forget,” he told our Mountaineers later in a small circle just before we dispersed, “family is important.  It’s what got you here and what you can always go back to.”

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Happy Easter!

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