The Session’s Fun In One Article

March 8, 2019 in Current Happenings

As we walked up the trail on Wednesday, January 16, our eyes beheld a giant boom 100 feet in the air. The reason for this was that there were five timber frame trusses being set on our new Chuckwagon. As they were raising the trusses and swinging them into place, we ate apple fritters and drank eggnog. The best part of the day was cutting the purlins with bucksaws.

Another fun thing that happened this session was watching the lunar eclipse. Chief Allen woke us up at 11:30, and Logan, Jonny, and I watched it go into totality. It was super cold that night so we bundled up in blankets and watched in amazement.

It snowed a lot this session, so another thing was sledding. The more that groups sledded on the hill the faster it got. The Navigators made a mean ramp on it, which added to the thrill and pain.

The funnest part of the session was getting to ice skate for the first time. When I first put on the skates and got on the ice, I felt like a new born giraffe trying to stand up 2 minutes after it was born. But after a while I was like a rookie hockey player. You know what that’s like. Overall, this was a very fun session.

J. — Mountaineer group

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