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What's Inside
If you want to keep up with what’s going on at Allegany Boys Camp, you’ll love the free newsletter. Subscribers get it in their email every 6 weeks, or you can read past issues right here on this page. When you subscribe, here’s what you’ll get:
Articles by staff explaining parts of the camp program
Adventure Learning
A feature showing educational projects campers have been doing, with essays and photos by the campers themselves.
Camp Kindling
Camp news updates and current needs
Browse the Archive
Boys thrive on the clear boundaries, rich relationships, and creative problem solving that happens at camp. Some benefits of camp that are hard to find anywhere else:
- “Not a Slave, But a Son”
- Learn about the Mountaineer’s Fish Tank Project
- How does the Coronavirus affect camp? Please pray with us about having our boys return to camp soon!
- Read the article “The Bible Speaks to Boys” and learn how scripture is a very important part of the work at camp
- Check out the Camp Kindling section to find out about camp news and needs
- “Boys, Staff, and Money”
- Photos of current camp staff
- A camper’s mother shares
- Hear from the Mountaineer group about their recent hiking trip to the White Mountains
- Read the Camp Kindling section to find out about camp news and need
- A camper and his mother shares about their camp experience.
- Adventure learning: the Mountaineer’s Early American History Bus Trip
- Hear from Luke and his parents about how camp impacted their lives
- Read articles about the Pioneer’s recent bus trip
- Details about our upcoming Open House on August 3
- Hear from a former camper and his dad about how camp impacted their lives
- Learn about ways that you can help to support camp
- We are giving an update and sharing pictures about our chuckwagon project.
- 100-Year-Old White Oaks Become Chuckwagon
- Our annual Christmas newsletter highlights the staff that work at Allegany Boys Camp.
- Read about Entrance Tent and what makes it important
- Hear from several campers about their recent hiking and canoe trips
- Find out about ways that you can support camp
- Learn about Crafts Tent and the importance of this tent in campsite
- Hear from one of the campers about what he learned from Mountain Man Merle
- Find out what happens in Wood Corral
Hear from a former camper about his time back at camp
- Read about the Cooktent in campsite
- Find out how many trees were planted at Camp this spring
- A few answers to Freezing Questions
- Find out who is coming and going at camp
- An article on Respect For Authority
- "A Dash Through The Decades"
- Current Staff
- Practice Makes Perfect… Or At Least Progress”
- “Knot Tying”
- Read about the 5th and final step in problem solving
- How to start a fire with a bow and drill
- Find out who is coming and going at camp
- Step 4 in problem solving
- Our newest sanctuaries at camp
- “Problem Solving 3.0: Choose A Solution”
- “Educational Trips”
- Learn about step 2 in problem solving
- Read boys’ articles about wilderness survival
- Find out who is coming and going at camp
- The first step of problem solving
- The joys of pure maple syrup
- Ways you can pray for camp
- “Image Bearers Through Relationship”
- “Orienteering”
- Apple Butter Days
- Trees
- God is Good
- Honey Bee
- Father/Son Hiking Trip
- Poison Ivy
- My Day With A Group
- Butterfly
- Problem Solving
- Fish
- Structures
- Birds
- Groupwork
- Solar System
- My Camp Stay
- Snowflakes
See More on Social Media
Our Facebook page has extra updates and lots of photos that don’t make it into the newsletter.